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  • Bible Courses

    Bible Foundations


  • An introductory study of the Bible (via Zoom)

    The course examines the foundational truths of the Christian faith in the light of the New Testament.  This course is free and is open to all.

    Topics will include...

    • Christ the foundation (“I will build My Church”, Paul as master builder, etc.)
    • New Covenant teaching. (Repentance, faith, the new birth, discipleship, apostolic doctrine, etc.)

    If you would like to study this course please click on the "register" link below.

    Before embarking on these studies you will require the following tools -

    A basic Zoom account - downloadable free from https://zoom.us/pricing

    A copy of the e-Sword Bible - downloadable free from https://www.e-sword.net

    Many languages are available free with e-Sword.

    To show an interest or to register,